I'll do what I can to help you out, out
You may have to sort it out yourself tho, because I'm not sure how it falls in total, with your explainations.
I believe in capital punishment. If someone has taken anothers life for there own purpose, I don't think it is immoral to put them to death. My biggest problem is that we feed them for 20 years before we do it. Not very cost effective. I also think that the nice humane, sterile process is too kind for many of them. I think that what they did should be done back to them. Eventually I think crimes might get a little less brutal with a person sitting for 20 years knowing how they will die. Hopefully they were kind to their victims. Don't worry someone would volunteer to do it.
I do not think it is immoral to pull the plug on someone. Or stop feeding them. Remember Karen Ann Kwinlen??? (sp) They fought for years to get her off life support. She lived for a few more years if I'm not mistaken. It wasn't her time yet.
I believe in assisted suicide. If someone is very ill and suffering terribly I believe they have a right to go. If they can't do it them selves I don't think it is immoral for someone to assist them. I had an elderly neighbour who had heart trouble. He was always out working in his yard. I learned CPR so I could try and save him if the need arose. After talking over the fence to him for a couple years I knew that man would not want to be saved. I have to say if I saw him go down, I would have waited a few minutes before going to him. I don't think that would have been immoral. The need never arose so I wasn't tested but he got so bad and wanted out so badly he stopped eating and starved to death. I loved that old man.
Here's the part I'm not too sure of. There can be a such a fine line between Euthanasia and Murder. It may come down to would they want to be here. The purpose of living is not to just exist. Living in a coma is not living. Living in aggony is not living. Hopfully we know the wishes of someone. If you don't know then it may be immoral. An adult JW wishing not to receive blood and they die, it is not immoral. A JW infant or child not being able to receive blood and they want to live but they die, that is immoral. To me that is IMMORAL Euthanasia.
I wish I could express myself as near as well as alot of people on here can. But this is as good as it gets. Hope this helps you some.
Been There (Not Ben there)